24 April 2012

Pisco Update #2 - Plaza del Parque

Hey guys thought it was time to fill you in again with a little bit of information on Pisco Sin Fronteras at the moment. Things are very busy here and i have taken on a few extra responsibilities since arriving so that is keeping me busy in the evening and weekends as well. So i'm sorry for the delay in getting to you sooner.

A few weeks ago i took on the administrative position of project manager, which has kept me particularly busy in the office as well as out on site. Things are settling down a little bit now i have my head around it, but there are still many exciting things to learn that will keep me busy long into the nights after work. The position of project manager is one that i'm very excited to take on board, and one that will see me really have a positive impact on the future direction of Pisco Sin Fronteras. Working alongside the director, i am now responsible for coordinating the daily projects for all the volunteers and ensuring that everyone is supported and working productively in their projects. As well as managing the volunteers i also have the coordinating responsibility of finding the next projects and doing the background research to get new projects up and running. This means taking applications from new families/communities for help, conducting site assessment to check the requests, organising materials and budgets and deciding whether certain projects are in line with the current vision and mission of Pisco Sin Fronteras.

Apart from the new responsibilities as project manager i have also been involved in many other exciting projects in the last week weeks. A huge community project that has taken a lot of my time has been a new park a few blocks away from the volunteer house.

Mid way through March PSF started work on a park like no other that has been completed in PSF's history. Through the hard work and constant perseverance from the administration at PSF and at the Municipality of Pisco, PSF was able to secure some land in the district of Vista Alegre, San Pedro to build an enormous community based project. In conjunction with a lot of planning, and contributions of ideas from all volunteers, PSF has seen the development of Plaza del Parque sky rocket in the last three weeks. With a total land area of roughly 2300 square meters to work with, PSF has been carefully sketching out the plans to help maximise the space to best meet the needs of the local community. After researching what the community are after we factored many exciting projects into Plaza del Parque that are going to see this project run for at least the next couple of months.

It started off with marking out and preparing the site, and then straight after it getting stuck into the beginning stages. Stage one was pouring a 6m X 8m concrete slab to place a community centre modular on. This modular will be used in the future, in cooperation with the municipality, to run a program similar to 'Vaso de Leche' where the government provides employment and resources for a team to give out free milk and bread to children around the area. As well as constructing this modular a team of volunteers came through and designed some amazing murals to go on the modular and wall behind it, which is a truly spectacular showcase to the community with tradition cultural creations making the basis of the design.

While this was all going ahead many other things have started, and also been completed in the process. A big shade area with 4 picnic benches, made solely from recycled wood, now sit outside the community centre as a place that the community and children to sit and enjoy the park. Right next to the shade we made a volleyball pitch with sand from the local Pisco beach, which is regularly used everyday and afternoon that we are working in the park. These are some of the completed projects that are already up and running in the park and being utilised all the time.

At the moment an enormous playground is underway. There are currently 2 swings, two see-saws and the beginning stages of some grand platforms connected with bridges, ladders, poles and all sorts of fun things to keep the local kids amused and out interacting in the community.

In the next couple of months this park will continue to grow with more work going into the playground, an adult/adolescent fitness station area, more shade areas and a plaza area for everyone to enjoy as a public space to rest, relax and socialise. Something for everyone! Build it and they will come! That is the motto! Everyday we chip away a little more at the park, and everyday we see more kids, more families enjoying the space and more friendly smiles from the community members.

In my next update i will fill you in with the earthbag construction that has been underway and also the community development projects that we are steadily implementing such as; compost toilets and the educational programs that are running.

Take care and i hope this email finds you all happy and healthy. Don't forget to spread the word!

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